7 Things I Do Every Day

One of my favorite things to read about on the blogs I follow is how other women go about their days. I grew up in a family as the first of 10 children and my mother was a master organizer. She instilled in me that to have peace at home, you had to have order. And even today, if my house isn’t all picked up, I feel as if chaos is knocking at the door.So for fun, I’m listing the seven things that I do every day.

  • Make my bed. My husband and I have the “last one out makes the bed” rule, but it is always made before the two of us start our days. And we make our kids do the same. They never go to bed in an unmade bed.
  • Dust, fluff, pick up, and clean my kitchen. I’m usually the first one down in the morning and I survey the situation that has been left by the teenagers who go to bed later than me. It feels so good to pick up the clutter, do a quick dusting of the furniture, fluff all of the pillows, and gather the laundry that didn’t quite make its way to the hamper. As my kids are hustling to get their backpacks together for school in the morning, I’m wiping down counters and mopping my way out the door. This way I know I’m coming home to a perfectly clean house after drop off and that I can get right to work. My husband makes fun of me, but it just makes me happy.
  • Workout. My mother goes to daily mass to find peace, but I hit the gym. My favorite workout, by far, is hot yoga at Forever Om. It’s so hard for me that I can’t think about anything else while I’m there. Power Vinyasa with Forever Om’s incredibly talented teachers is a total workout for my mind and body. It’s usually when I’m walking to my car after class that I come up with my best ideas and am inspired by the best of people.
  • Make a list. My lists are everything. Just getting things down on paper gives me direction for my day.
  • Sort through the mail (over the recycling bin). I never let a day go by without going through the mail. My husband likes to touch every piece that comes from the post office, but if I can weed out the trash before he comes home, his task is a little easier (and no piles heep up!).
  • Make school lunches the night before. I’m not quite sure why making lunches is so stressful, but they are. Yet I’ve learned that they are a little less so if I can make them while I’m cooking up dinner.
  • Have the family for dinner. Family dinners were a staple when I was growing up and I do my best to get my crew together every night. Our days of full family dinners are numbered as my oldest is leaving for college in the fall. So if one kiddo might be missing or my husband is sliding in at the last minute, this is the best time for us to connect on the highs and lows of our days.

I’m curious to know if this was interesting or helpful, and I’d love to know what you do every day that makes your life better.Happy happy day!xo

My name is Ann Marie Scheidler and I'm thrilled you've decided to check out my blog. I'm a pearl-loving yogi with a thing for travel, a weakness for beautiful bags, and a passion for storytelling. In this space, I'll be sharing stories about my family, go-to recipes, my wellness journey, fashion and beauty favorites, and my love for Chicago’s North Shore. I find new inspiration wherever I go. Thanks so much for coming along for the ride!


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